Angry? Or Is there Something Else Going On? 
By Gary McClain, PhD

You’ve been here before.  A loved one, a healthcare professional, a friend, even a stranger, says something, does something, looks at you a certain way… BAM!  You’re off to the races.  Wow, are you ever angry!  Your anger might take the form of blowing up, or walking away, or sitting and seething.

Your anger got set off that quickly.  You might be asking yourself how that happened?  Chances are, anyone who witnessed your anger may have had the same question.

My clients who are living with chronic conditions like a bleeding disorder often talk to me about their day-to-day challenges.  Maintaining their treatment regimen.  Dealing with a bleed.  Having to cope with unwanted changes in their routines.  Finances and other potential stressors at home.  Along with uncertainty and not always feeling in control over their lives.   They describe the range of feelings they experience as a result.  Sadness.  Fear.  Frustration.  And yes, anger.

Angry?  Take a Look at Your Perspective 

But here’s a question about anger: When you feel angry, can you identify what’s really making you so mad?  And here’s another question: Is it possible you aren’t angry, but are experiencing another feeling that is just so hard to acknowledge that you are instead automatically going to that angry place?

Hold those two questions in mind.  And then consider another perspective on anger:

Sure, getting angry is part of being human.  Keep in mind that anger is a primary emotion.  When someone treats you or someone you care about in a disrespectful or aggressive manner, it’s only human to get mad.  Nature has wired us to get angry.  Where the complications arise is what we choose to do with all that anger.  Emphasis on choose!

However, anger is also what therapists call a covering emotion.  In other words, we may have an underlying emotion, like fear, or disappointment, or sadness, going on.  If we are avoiding acknowledging or experiencing that emotion, we may find ourselves veering into anger instead.  And keep in mind that anger may feel more comfortable at the moment, and more acceptable than the feelings it may be covering.  For example, have you ever felt deeply sad or disappointed, and found yourself on the edge of blowing up at someone?  If so, were you using your anger to cover another feeling?

So, What Do I Do?
What does this mean for how you can manage your angry feelings?  Here are some ideas:

Maintain self-awareness.  It’s easy to go from zero to sixty when something happens that presses your anger button.  So how do you stop that from happening?  The key is to be aware of yourself, each and every moment of the day.  That means knowing when you might be feeling especially vulnerable.  Being your authentic self enhances your wellness.

Start the day with an inventory of your emotions.   Ask yourself: How am I feeling today?  Glad? Great!  Or sad?  Scared?  Frustrated?  Just plain old mad?  Ask yourself what’s causing you to feel that way.  Most likely you can identify thoughts or recent events that are bringing up all those feelings.  If you’re angry, ask yourself why.  And if you can’t come up with an answer, cast a wider net for other feelings that may be behind all that anger.

Beware of helplessness.  Often, thoughts and events cause us difficulty because they remind us that so much of life is out of our control.  Nobody knows this better than someone who is living with a bleeding disorder.  Keep in mind: Anger feels powerful, at least at the moment.  Sadness, disappointment, and fear may make us feel helpless.  And humans don’t do well with helplessness.

Take a look at what you can and can’t control.  Taking a moment to acknowledge your level of control, or lack thereof, can help you to maintain your perspective.  Is it time to recite the serenity prayer, and accept what you can’t control?  Or is it time to take some action to address an issue you have been pushing aside?

Know what you need to do to stay in a mentally healthy place.  Again, be proactive.  If you start the day with feelings that are hard to sit with, like sadness or frustration or fear, then consider what you can do to help yourself cope.  Is there someone you can call for a pep talk?  Do you need to take time for a walk?  Maybe some meditation?  A break with some calming music?  Or a maybe a religious or spiritual practice?  I always recommend to clients that they have a toolbox of coping skills they can pull from as needed.

In the moment of anger, take a step back.  Do whatever it takes to engage your rational mind, whether it’s taking a few deep, calming breaths, or leaving the room for a moment to regroup, or whatever else you can do to help you think before you react.  Review that morning inventory of your feelings.  Get back in touch with what’s pushing that anger button.  This will help to get a handle on that zero to sixty urge.

And be ready to apologize.  You’re dealing with a lot, and you’re doing the best you can.  As are your loved ones.  If your anger got the best of you, admit it.  Resolve to do better next time.  Ask for help.

Some final words about anger…

Have a heart.  Living with a bleeding disorder brings up all kinds of emotions.  Accept your own feelings – all of them – and let yourself be human.  Be aware of the range of your emotions.  Sure, feelings can be scary.  But allowing them to see the light of day prevents them from controlling you.  Give yourself a break, and you’ll be that much more able to give others a break, too.

Patience!  We’re all in this together.

Dr. Gary McClain, MS, PhD, is a psychotherapist, patient advocate, blogger, and author, specializing in helping clients deal with the emotional impact of chronic and life-threatening illnesses, as well as their families and professional caregivers.  His website is  His email is  He welcomes your questions and comments.

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